Tech and Culture

Windows Live Writer

Just installed the beta version of Windows Live Writer, the Blog tool from Microsoft. I have one word to use – “Phenomenal”. The software learned the layout of my blog on its own, and I can create posts in a truly WYSIWYG manner. It even displays the same fonts and text colors that I see on my blog!

The best part is the capability to work with images while making a post, rather than resizing and uploading them before making the actual post. The API is also available for free to add custom functionality.

Once again, good going, Microsoft!

Tech and Culture

The Source of all comment spam

I hate spam. Everyone does. As if email wasn’t good enough, spammers have also been trying to exploit my blog ever since I started blogging. Luckily, I have a very good Bayesian spam filter called Akismet in place, that filters out all comment spam from my blog. The best part is that I don’t have to use annoying “CAPTCHA” tests like images to distinguish valid comments from spam.

Anyway, since I was taking a break, I decided to analyze where all the spam was coming from. I looked up the IP address ranges of spammers (a day’s worth), and found them to be allocated by the RIPE NCC, that handles the Regional Internet Registry for ISPs and companies located in Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Central Asia.

Life and Personal Tech and Culture

The era of OTC genetic testing

As the June 16th edition of the Wall Street Journal so succintly put it, “Genes, not experience, explain why the lives of some take a bad turn”. We are what our genes define us as. There is no going against our genetic code. Genetically engineered customized medications are going to revolutionize the coming decades just as the Internet of the present day.

What we miss while showing appreciation for the Internet is that it is more a victory of data mining than pure computer networking. It’s the actual applications that make the Internet so important in our lives. The power of the Internet comes from software that enables personalization and targetted addressal of the user’s demands.

Since the DNA plays such an important role in determining the course our life would take in the future, it is getting all the more desirable to try to decipher it as soon as possible. Technology, with its incarnations like sequencing, data-mining, and storage has actually made it possible to figure out our future scientifically!

Research has shown that a lot of cancers are genetic in nature, and can be effectively treated if diagnosed by their genetic precursors before the actual onset. Getting DNA diagnosed isn’t hard, atleast for known genes, but there are issues of privacy. Most people are not comfortable making their genetic identity known to others, even if for pure research purposes. Without adequate laws in place, there is nothing stopping this information to be made available to strangers. Like someone has said, you can change your credit card numbers, but it’s impossible to change your DNA.

In order to alleviate these concerns, a lot of companies have sprung up that sell kits for genetic testing over the Internet. Anyone with a credit card can now check themselves for susceptibility towards certain cancers in the privacy of their own homes by ordering an easy to use kit. These kits test for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, or any of hundreds of other mutations in the DNA, all without getting a physician or a health plan involved. These two commonly tested mutations indicate a predisposition to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Once the genetic risk is identified, there are strategies that could be put in place to mitigate the possible onset of these cancers.

So, what does the future look like when it comes to genetic prognosis of diseases? In my opinion, it looks phenomenal! And, the credit goes to research in computer science as much as that to biological sciences.

Life and Personal

I am an uncle!

Yes, I am a mama now! My sister gave birth to a baby girl today!

And this is my 100th entry!

Life and Personal Tech and Culture

The end of “No-Smoking” signs on airplanes

Just how many times have you looked above your seat in an aircraft and wondered why they have those “No Smoking” signs at every row? I know I have! I think the last time I was on a flight that allowed smoking was in 1988. The aircraft had designated sections for smokers in every class, and the sign would go off a few moments after the plane took off.

Well, now days, almost every country has banned smoking in flight, making those signs pretty pointless, and constantly lit. In retrospect, what we really need are signs that tell us when it’s safe to use our portable electronic devices. I am glad this is going to happen as early as next year!
After this, all I need is a “No talking loudly” sign!

Tech and Culture

My biggest issue with Open-Source tools

I am a big fan of developing web services using open source tools and open standards. One of the technologies I have extensively used in the last 5-6 years is J2EE. Backed by Sun Microsystems, it is a great platform to deploy phenomenal server based applications. Of course, there are other up and coming frameworks for developing all sorts of web services, but, holistically speaking, only Java and .NET are mature and active enough to be a universal web development technology.